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Good News! Only though the grace of God that we are saved through faith, nothing more nothing less.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8-10.
Let us now walk in the newness of life and grow daily in the Lord. I invite you to walk with Christ, also with us, the Bible as our guide, here through the Pastor’s page.
Pastor Limuel Liwanag
Senior Pastor
Pastor Rhidge Garcia
Associate Pastor
My All Or None At All
At the beginning, God bestowed upon humans the ability to manage the world like He does. In Genesis 1:26, God said, “Now we will make humans, and they will be like us. We will let them rule the fish, the birds, and all other living creatures.” (CEV). The immediate context of humans being created "like" God or in God's "image" involves having authority over other creatures, such as birds, fish, and animals. Just as God rules in His domain, humans are called to rule within theirs. This concept encapsulates the essence of stewardship: we are caretakers of the resources entrusted to us, including our own lives (1 Corinthians 6:19).
Central to Judeo-Christian thought is the understanding that God, as the Creator of the universe and all it contains, has the ultimate authority over all His creations. The Fall, which introduced sin into the world, serves as a painful reminder of the distortion of divine design and governance. History is marked by bloodshed, suffering, and destruction resulting from humanity's attempts to exercise their free will outside their intended sphere. Conversely, countless individuals who have embraced their role as stewards, as intended by their Creator, have left a legacy of total surrender to the Almighty, resulting in lives rich with joy and fulfillment.
The idea of fully recognizing God's sovereignty in every aspect of our lives—such as time, talents, treasures, testimony, trust in God, theology, and our bodies—is not only prevalent in the Bible but also appears in various literary works and psalms. Hymns like "I Surrender All," "Wholly Thine," "I Would Be Like Jesus," and "Live Out Thy Life Within Me" express the necessity of depending on God for a righteous life. Contemporary songs such as "You Are My All in All," "Take My Life," "The Center of It All," and many others celebrate God's provision for a meaningful and satisfying journey in life for those who allow Him to take the lead.
We should strive to live our lives in all aspects with God rather than apart from Him. God understands our challenges, difficulties, and sins. Jesus came primarily to save us from them. Let’s accept His offer of forgiveness, reconciliation, and transformation!
Pastor Lim